Input Options

Full option list

Options unique to each section

The following tables list all options unique to each section. Note that empty strings (denoted as ‘none’ in the table) means that the user has to use appropriate values. ‘molecules’ will be overwritten i.e. ignored when ‘morph_pairs’ are used in [ligand]. The default for complex building is to combine every protein with every ligand. If you do no want that, you must explicitly list all pairs using the ‘pairs’ key. Please note that your file and directory names must not contain the characters ‘:’ (colon), ‘>’ (right angle bracket), ‘”’ (double quote) and ‘~’ (tilde). The comma ‘,’ is permited as long as the filename is enclosed in double quotes, e.g.

morph_pairs = “1,2-dichloroethane” > E-dichloroethene,
E-dichloroethene > “1,2-dichloroethane”


Key Values, default listed first Type Explanation
AFE.type Sire, sander/dummy, sander/softcore, gromacs, pmemd/softcore, pmemd/dummy charmm/pert string free energy type, determines which MD package the input files are created for (for backwards compatability AMBER = sander/dummy and AMBER/softcore = sander/softcore)
AFE.separate_vdw_elec True, False bool separate the Coulomb (charge) transformation from the vdW+bonded transformation
forcefield amber, ff14SB, tip3p, hfe list of strings ff family, subtype of ff, water ff, divalent ion set
ff_addons empty list of strings additional force fields like GLYCAM_06j-1 or lipid14
gaff gaff1, gaff2 string Choice for the small molecules forcefield, either GAFF 1.x or GAFF2.x
logfile dGprep.log string name of the debug log file
mdengine amber, sander; amber,pmemd; gromacs, mdrun namd, namd2 list of 2 strings program for minimisation and MD, the first in the list is the MD package, the second is the actual binary
mdengine.prefix empty string the string preceding the mdengine binary command, e.g. mpirun -np 4 (for MPI programs)
mdengine.postfix empty string the string following the mdengine binary command, e.g. +p2 +isomalloc_sync (for namd multicore)
parmchk_version 2, 1 integer parmchk version
mcs.timeout 60.0 float
timeout in seconds for fmcs,
0 means no timeout
remake False, True bool remake already done molecules (excluding morphs)
overwrite False, True bool by default no files are ever overwritten in the _ directories, use this to change this behaviour
user_params False, True bool read user force field parameter files, i.e. all .frmod, .preb and .lib (OFF format) files are read in


Key Values, default listed first Type Explanation
basedir none, must be set by user string base directory to find ligands ligand.pdb string ligand input file name
file.format none, determined from extension of filename string format of, can be used to overwrite if file extension is different from actual file format
ions.conc 0.0 float sets the NaCl concentration in mol/l
ions.dens 1.0 float density for which the ion concentration is wanted
calc_charge False, True bool Force calculation of molecule’s formal charge, required e.g. for mol2 format for which Openbabel computes the charge only in select cases.
conf_search.conj_econv 1e-06 float conformation search option
conf_search.conj_steps 250 integer conformation search option
conf_search.ffield mmff94 string conformation search option
conf_search.geomsteps 5 integer conformation search option
conf_search.numconf 0 integer conformation search option
conf_search.steep_econv 0.0001 float conformation search option
conf_search.steep_steps 100 integer conformation search option
molecules none, must be set by user list of strings list of molecules
morph.absolute False, True bool write absolute transformation MORPH.pert files for Sire
morph_pairs none, must be set by user list of strings list of pairs in the form lig1 > lig2, overwrites ‘molecules’, do not use ‘>’ in file names
neutralize False, True bool neutralize the solvation box by adding minimum couterions required
skip_param False, True bool skip the parameterisation step, useful in conjunction with user_params or ff_addons see [globals]


Key Values, default listed first Type Explanation
align_axes False, True bool align protein along principal axes before hydrating
basedir none, must be set by user string base directory to proteins
ions.conc 0.0 float sets the NaCl concentration in mol/l
ions.dens 1.0 float density for which the ion concentration is wanted
molecules none, must be set by user list of strings list of molecules
neutralize False, True bool neutralize the solvation box by adding minimum couterions required
propka False, True bool use ProPKA to protonate protein
propka.pH 7.0 float pH for ProPKA


Key Values, default listed first Type Explanation
align_axes False, True bool align protein along principal axes before hydrating
ions.conc 0.0 float sets the NaCl concentration in mol/l
ions.dens 1.0 float density for which the ion concentration is wanted
neutralize False, True bool neutralize the solvation box by adding minimum couterions required
flatten_rings False, True bool make aromatic rings fully planar, for MC with Sire
pairs none, must be set by user list of strings
list of pairs in the form protein:ligand, do not use
‘:’ in file names

The minimisation and MD options

The following options are the minimsation and MD options for molecule setup common to ligands, proteins and complexes. To allow minimisation and MD ‘box.type’ has to be set explicilty which also creates a water box. If ‘box.type’ is not set by the user then no box will be created and minimisation or MD will not be carried out. To actually run a minimsation or simulation you will need to set any of the ‘.nsteps’ keys to a value larger than 0. The only difference is relaxation where setting ‘md.relax.nrestr’ to a value larger than 0 will trigger restraint relaxation. The order of simulation protocols is fixed as heating (md.heat.*), constant volume and temperature (md.constT.*), pressurising = density adjustment (*), relaxation at NpT conditions (md.relax.*). If any of those steps are not needed set ‘.nsteps’ to 0 but be aware that there are no further sanity checks. The MD protocol can be preceded by a minimisation step (min.*).

Key Values, default listed first Type Explanation
box.type empty string = no box created, rectangular, octahedron (limited support) string creates a box of water
box.length 10.0 float the distance in Ångström between solute and the box edges, NOTE: the TIP3P box will create a system of low density and thus this distance will decrease on pressuring the sytem.
min.ncyc 0 integer number of steepest decent steps in minimisation
.nsteps 0 integer number of steps; e.g. min.nsteps
.restr_force 10.0 float restraint force; e.g. md.heat.restr_force
.restraint protein, backbone, heavy, notligand, notsolvent string restraint type, if other string then in the list it is the restraintmask for sander; e.g. md.constT.restraint
.T 300.0 float temperature; e.g.
.p 1.0 float pressure; e.g. md.relax.p
md.relax.nrestr 0 integer number of relaxation steps, needed to trigger restraint relaxation